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This page is a blog about the book called
spazi di parole

Book Spaces of Words
Spazi di Parole

Spaces of words is a collection of poems written at different times that draw inspiration from the time of life and change of covid. The space of observation, of poetic imagination joins reality by creating: spaces of life, anti-covid, Dantesque, descriptive, emotional, contemporary poems that embrace materiality. Dante takes the role of muse who suggests reflections, such as the lines "Dante in a nut". The lyrics use simple language, in free verse; some metaphors are encountered, addressing topics known to most readers and easy to understand. In several poems metaphors and similes attribute a double meaning to the work: descriptive and moral. At a first reading of Dante's spaces, one can return to the Divine Comedy and look at the cover by the artist Roberto Pagnani which brings to mind Paradise and Beatrice. A profound reading, it shows a sequence of images that make us understand real life, the concepts conveyed and the feelings at play.:

Spazi di parole, Space of words
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